How to setup Flutter in Windows

  1. Install Git -

  2. Install Flutter SDK -

    1. Downloaded file name will be similar to
  3. Copy the downloaded file and paste it to C:\Users\{username}\Documents

  4. Extract the file

    1. After extraction is complete, there will be a folder with the same name
  5. Delete the file

  6. Click the windows button and search "Edit the system environment variables"

    1. Click "Environment Variables..." in the bottom right area

    2. From "User variables for {username}" (first section)

      1. Look for variable "Path"

      2. If it doesn't exist, click "New..."

        1. Write "Path" for variable name

        2. Write C:\Users\{username}\Documents\{flutter_sdk_folder_name}\flutter\bin for variable value

        3. Click "Ok"

      3. Else, click "Edit..."

        1. Click "New"

        2. Write C:\Users\{username}\Documents\{flutter_sdk_folder_name}\flutter\bin

        3. Click "Ok"

    3. Click "Ok"

  7. Open "Command Prompt"

    1. Run flutter doctor

      1. If step 6 was done properly, the command should run
  8. Install "Android Studio" -

  9. Run Android Studio

    1. Click "more actions" (or "tools" in the file bar if a project is already open)

      1. Click "SDK Manager"

        1. Check SDK with "API Level" = "34" (make sure it has a checkmark, not dash)

        2. Click "SDK Tools"

        3. Click "Apply"

          1. Accept & download all
        4. Click "Ok"

    2. Click "more actions" (or "tools" in the file bar if a project is already open)

      1. Click "Device Manager"

        1. Click "+"

        2. Choose "Pixel 7 Pro"

        3. Click "Next"

        4. Choose system image with "API Level" = "34"

        5. Click "Next"

        6. Click "Show Advanced Settings"

        7. Set internal storage to "2048MB"

        8. "Finish"

  10. From Android Studio, Click "New Flutter Project"

    1. Make sure flutter sdk path is set.

      1. If not, it should be C:\Users\{username}\Documents\{flutter_sdk_folder_name}\flutter
    2. Click "Next"

      1. Choose the project name and location
    3. Click "Create"

  11. DONE